Premiership Managers

I did these a while ago, as you can see, Jose is still there. I was never the best caricaturist in the world but I quite like these as it goes.


Anonymous said…
rosematy said…
God, they are fantastic it blows my mind how many talented artists of all types (musicians, fine artists, etc )there are in Ireland and there is no fora for them to display their talents nor to profit from them, what a mistake the Ministers for the Arts are making, decade after decade after year after year after ............
rosematy said…
God, they are fantastic it blows my mind how many talented artists of all types (musicians, fine artists, etc )there are in Ireland and there is no fora for them to display their talents nor to profit from them, what a mistake the Ministers for the Arts are making, decade after decade after year after year after ............
rosematy said…
all your stuff is great.
James Kenny said…
Thanks very much, though it is a good country to be in if you are in any successful due to the good old artists' tax exemption, which I have, not that does me any good, as I don't sell that much. Thank God for employment or I'd be screwed....

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