The Angel of Darkness
a couple of pics from my old Angel of Darkness work, you can see more at my old site, It hasn't been updated in a long, long time and some of the links don't work properly but there is a load of stuff there, not all of it crap...

I am a really big fan of this game and know that it was realised unfinished, so I would liked to see some more concepts and 3D modeling from it (especialy from the parts which were not made in the final game). If you could post or sent me( something more, I would be thankfull for you till the end of my life. Especialy I would liked to see something from Cappacdocia, Castle Kriegler, Strahow Monastery level (if it was planned to be made) and Monstrum Crimescene). I simply adore your AOD concepts and 3D, they are one of the most awersome art works ever. So everything you will show or tell me will be awersome and really apreaceated, because I collecting everything about this game, I even made a AOD concept video from pictures I have:
Yours faithfully,
You can visit my Tomb Raider the angel of darkness youtube proile:
Hopefully they have all of it, but it is still being scanned so we will have to wait and see.